
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften

  • Weber, C., Fasse, A., Haugh, H. und Grote, U. (2023): Varieties of neccessity entrepreneurship: new insights from Sub Saharan Africa.Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. Vol. 47(5), pp. 1843-1876
    DOI: 10.1177/10422587221111737
  • Harrer, T., Lehner, O. und Weber, C. (2023): A multi-level understanding of trust development: The context of blurred organizational boundaries in Crowdfunding.Scandinavian Journal of Management. Vol. 39, No. 1
  • Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2022): Collaboration of Firms with New Forms of Organizing: Extending the Relational ViewOrganization Theory. Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.1–27.
    DOI: 10.1177/26317877221131586
  • Vogel, R.; Göbel, M.; Grewe-Salfeld, M.; Herbert, B.; Matsuo, Y.; Weber, C. (2021): Cross-sector partnerships: Mapping the field and advancing an institutional approachInternational Journal of Management Reviews. Vol. 24, No. 3, pp.394-414
  • Weber, C., Helen H., Göbel, M. (2020): Pathways to Sustainable Cross-sector Collaborations – A Configurational Approach.Journal of Business Ethics
  • Lehner, O. und Weber, C. (2019): Growing up from In-Betweeners: Alternatives to Hybridity in Social Entrepreneurship Research.Entrepreneurship Research Journal. Vol. 10, No. 3
  • Weidner, K., Weber, C. & Göbel, M. (2019): You Scratch My Back and I Scratch Yours: How Social Enterprises and Their Key Partners Legitimize Each Other Through Their Relationship.Business and Society, 58(3): 493-532.
  • Fischer, D., Kruse, D., Leonardy, H. & Weber, C. (2019): Don’t throw in the towel too early! How Agency Conflicts affect the Survival of Corporate Venture Capital Units.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. . Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 568-597.
  • Weber, C., Weidner, K., Kröger, A. & Wallace, J. (2017): Social Value Creation in Inter-Organizational Collaborations in the Not-for-Profit Sector – Give and Take from a Dyadic Perspective.Journal of Management Studies, 54(6): 929-956.
  • Weber, C., Raibulet, V. & Bauke, B. (2016): The Process of Relational Rent Generation in Corporate Venture Capital Investments.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(1): 62-83.
  • Weber, C., Bauke, B. & Raibulet, V. (2016): The Relational View and Corporate Venture Capital Investments: An Exploratory Partial Least Squares Analysis.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10, 274-299
  • Kulins, C., Leonardy, H. & Weber, C. (2016): A configurational approach in business model design.Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1437–1441.
  • Göbel, M., Vogel, R. & Weber, C. (2015): Life-worlds of corporate venturing: A multiple case study on inter organisational knowlegde transfer across socio-cultural barriers.International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 6 (3): 201-222
  • Kröger, A. & Weber, C. (2014): Developing a Conceptual Framework for Comparing Social Value Creation.Academy of Management Review, 39(4): 513-540.
  • Maurer, I., Weber, C. & Oberg, A. (2013): The Effects and Multilayerdness of Inter-Organizational and Institutional Trust in Key Partnerships.Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013.
  • Göbel, M.; Vogel, R. & Weber, C. (2013): Reciprocity – a Bibliographical Interdisciplinary Analysis of a Meta Concept.Business Research 6 (1)(May), 34-53.
  • Weber, C. & Wallace, J. (2013): The Impact of Social Capital on Social Innovation.Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2013.
  • Weber, C. & Kratzer, J. (2012): Social entrepreneurship, social networks, and social value creation – a quantitative analysis.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 5 (3).
  • Weber, C. & Weber, B. (2011): Exploring the antecedents of social liabilities in CVC-triads – a dynamic social network perspective.Journal of Business Venturing 26, 255-272.
  • Weber, C. & Weber, B. (2010): Social Capital and Knowledge as Promoters of Organizational Performance – An Explorative Study of Corporate Venture Capital.International Studies of Management and Organization, 40(3), S. 23-49.
  • Weber, C. & Göbel, M. (2010): Reciprocity as means of interorganizational governance – A multi-case analysis of exchange systems.Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26 (2), 134-150.
  • Weber, C. & Weber, B. (2010): Social Capital and Knowledge as Elements of Relational Fit – An Explorative Study of Corporate Venture Capital.International Studies of Management and Organization, 40(3), S. 23-49.
  • Weber, C. (2009): Corporate venture capitalists with a ‘bird’s-eye view’ – a dynamic social network perspective.Schmalenbach Business Review , Vol. 61, No. 2, pp.195–224.
  • Göbel, M., Ortmann, G. & Weber, C. (2007): Reziprozität – Kooperation zwischen Nutzen und Pflicht.Managementforschung 17 - Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Gabler, Wiesbaden, 161-205.
    ISBN: 978-3-8349-0575-8
  • Göbel, M. & Weber, C. (2007): Interorganisationale Steuerung via Reziprozität – Eine Multi-Case Analyse in der deutschen VC-Branche.Die Betriebswirtschaft, 67 (3), 279-298.
  • Weber, B. & Weber, C. (2007): Corporate Venture Capital as a Mean for Radical Innovation – A Social Capital and Knowledge based Perspective.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 24, 11-35.
  • Weber, C. & Göbel, M. (2006): Economic Exchange Reciprocity or Social Obligation Reciprocity? A Grounded Theory Approach to Exchange Modalities of Interorganisational Relations.Venture Capital – An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 8 (4), 303-330.
  • Reichardt, B. & Weber, C. (2006): Corporate Venture Capital in Germany: a comparative analysis of 2000 and 2003.Technological forecasting & social change: an international journal, 73 (7), 813-834.
  • Weber, C., Weber, B. & Göbel, M. (2005): Corporate Venture Capital als Innovationsinstrument.Zeitschrift für Organisation, 74 (4), 192-199.
  • Weber, C. & Weber, B. (2004): Does the Match Matter? – The Impact of Relational Fit Between VC and PC on the PC’s Performance.Summary in: Zahra, Shaker A. et al. (Hrsg.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004: 198.
  • Weber, C. (2001): Die Rolle der Zeit im Prozeß Organisationalen Lernens.Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Ergänzungsheft 1/2001: 119-140.


  • Weber, C., Rövekamp, G., Grewe-Salfeld, M. & Kruse, D. (2020): Kooperieren für die Nachhaltigkeit: Handbuch zu Strategien und Erfolgsfaktoren am Beispiel der Textilindustrie - Otto Group (Hrsg.)Hamburg: Otto Group Weitere Informationen
  • Weber, C., Kröger, A. & Demirtas, C. (2015): Scaling social Impact in Europe. A Quantitative Analysis of National and Transnational Scaling Strategies of 358 Social Enterprises.Bertelsmann-Stiftung (Ed.), Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen. Gütersloh: Verl. Bertelsmann Stiftung | Datei | Weitere Informationen
  • Weber, C., Kröger, A. & Demirtas, C. (2015): Skalierung sozialer Wirkung in Europa. Quantitative Analyse der Strategien und Erfolgsfaktoren von 358 Sozialunternehmen.Bertelsmann-Stiftung (Ed.), Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen. Gütersloh: Verl. Bertelsmann Stiftung. | Datei | Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-3-86793-511-1
  • Weber, C. (2007): Wissenswerte durch Unternehmensnetzwerke – eine multiperspektivische interorganisationale Analyse am Beispiel von Corporate Venture Capital.Wiesbaden, Gabler.
    ISBN: 978-3-8350-0981-3
  • Weber, C. (2007): Organisation, Innovation und Wissen – eine multiperspektivische interorganisationale Analyse am Beispiel von Corporate Venture Capital.Habilitationsschrift an der Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg.
  • Weber, C. & Dierkes, M. (2002): Risikokapitalgeber in Deutschland – Strukturmerkmale, Entscheidungskriterien, Selbstverständnis.Berlin: edition sigma.
    ISBN: 978-3894042240
  • Weber, C. (1996): Treuhandanstalt – Eine Organisationskultur entsteht im Zeitraffer.Wiesbaden, Gabler.
    ISBN: 978-3824463152

Beiträge in Sammelbänden

  • Kröger, A. & Weber, C. (2016): Measuring and Comparing Social Value Creation: Advantages and Disadvantages of a new Comparability Method, IRIS, GIIRS, and SROI. In: Othmar Lehner (Hrsg.)Routledge Handbook on Social and Sustainable Finance. Routledge, S. 416-430
    ISBN: 978-1-138-77754-5
  • Weber, C., Kröger, A. & Lambrich, K. (2014): Scaling social enterprises – a theoretical and empirically grounded framework. in: Phan, Phillip; Kickul, Jill; Nordqvist, Mattias and Bacq, Sophie.Theory and Empirical Research in Social Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, 112-153.
  • Weber, C., Kroeger, A., & Lambrich, K. (2014): A theoretical model for understanding the scalability of social impact.In P. H. Phan , J. Kickul , S. Bacq & M Nordqvist (Eds.), Theory And Empirical Research In Social Entrepreneurship: 112-153. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978 1 78254 682 5
  • Weber, C., Kröger, A., Kunz, L., Lambrich, K., Peters, M., & Labitzke, G. (2013): Skalierung sozialer Wirkung. Handbuch zu Strategien und Erfolgsfaktoren von Sozialunternehmen.Bertelsmann-Stiftung (Ed.), Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen. Gütersloh: Verl. Bertelsmann Stiftung. Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978 3 86793 511 1
  • Weber, C., Kröger, A., & Lambrich, K. (2012): Scaling Social Enterprises – A Theoretically Grounded Framework. In: A. Zacharakis et al. (Eds.),Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2012 (pp. 752-766). Babson College, MA: P & R Publication.
  • Weber, C. & Weber, B. (2005): Corporate Venture Capital Organisations in Germany: a Comparison, in: Elfring, Tom (Hrsg.).Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing. New York: Springer.
  • Weber, B. & Weber, C. (2004): Corporate Venture Capital Organizationen in Deutschland – Ein Vergleich, in: Achleitner, A.-K./Thoma (Hrsg.),Handbuch Corporate Finance Loseblattausgabe, zweite Auflage, Köln 2001: Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, Stand: 12. Ergänzungslieferung.
  • Weber, C. & Berthoin Antal, A. (2001): The Role of Time in Organizational Learning. In: M. Dierkes, A. Berthoin Antal, J. Child (Eds.).Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 351-368.

Beiträge für Konferenzen und Workshops

  • S. Triebel, I. Haaker, J. Brennecke & Weber, C. (2022): The Internal Dynamics of Business Ecosystems – A Network ApproachJoint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference 2021 (virtual), Annual Academy of Management Conference 2022 (Seattle), Strategic Management Summit 2022 (London).
  • Triebel, S., Brennecke, J. & Weber, C. (2021): You can’t have one without the other – the Co-Evolution of Corporate Strategic Action and Board Interlocks.Annual Academy of Management Conference (virtual).
  • Rövekamp, G., Grewe-Salfeld, M., Kruse, D. & Weber, C. (2021): Managing the complexity and dynamics of joint value creation in multi-stakeholder initiatives in the fashion industry – A relational perspectivePaper presented at the 37th EGOS Colloquium (European Group of Organizational Studies), July 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (virtual event)
  • Triebel, S., Haaker, I., Brennecke, J. & Weber, C. (2021): The Dynamics of Ecosystems and Board InterlocksPaper presented at the Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference 2021 (virtual).
  • Grewe-Salfeld, M., Weber, C., Göbel, M., Herbert, B., Matsuo, Y. & Vogel, R. (2020): Dynamics of partnership practices to detangle and domesticate institutional complexity within tri-sector multi-stakeholder partnershipsPaper presented at the 36th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies)
  • Triebel, S., Brennecke, J. & Weber, C. (2020): You can’t have one without the other – the Co-Evolution of Corporate Strategic Action and Board Interlocks.The European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany (virtual) & Sunbelt Conference, Paris, France (virtual).
  • Harrer, T. & Lehner, O. M. & Weber, C. (2019): Do(n’t) trust this: A longitudinal Exploration of Institutional Trust in Crowdfunding.European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK & British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham, UK.
  • Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): Relational rewards and new forms of inter(organizational) collaboration.Paper presented at the 17th Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI).
  • Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): The generation of relational rewards via non-organizational types.Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies).
  • Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): New forms of inter(organizational) collaboration and the relational view.Paper presented at the 2019 WBS Workshop. Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom.
  • Kruse, D., Rövekamp, G. & Weber, C. (2019): Towards understanding the generation of relational rents in new forms of inter(organizational) collaboration.Paper presented at the Academy of Management OMT Division Paper Development Workshop. Cass Business School / UCL School of Management, London, United Kingdom.
  • Fischer, D., Weber, C. & Schlaegel, C. (2019): What really matters in cor-porate venture capital relationships? A meta-analysis of CVC characteristics and their impact on the various performance levels of CVC programs.Paper presented at the 23st Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (G-Forum), Wien, Austria
  • Grewe-Salfeld, M., Kroeger, A. & Weber, C. (2017): Informal Markets of Syrian Refugees in Germany: Autonomy and interconnection to formal markets.Presented at MDE Workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship, 18th July 2017, Bremen, Germany.